Find a storage location nearest you. You would hate to be craving chocolate chip cookies at 9:00 at night only to realize you have to drive across town to get your cookie sheets out of storage.
Bribe your buddies to help you move. In our experience, Dr. Pepper & chocolate chip cookies work well.
Leave room in between your boxes for a walkway...or a solo dance party. Either is fine with us, we won't judge.
Stack similar size boxes with the heaviest on the bottom and the lightest on the top...you remember playing with blocks as a kid? Same thing.
To avoid seven years of bad luck, lay mirrors on their sides.
Make sure you tape up the bottom side of the box to avoid breaking your sister-in-law's unity frame from her wedding...take it from me, still trying to live that one down. Sorry Emily.
Speaking of breaking things, mark boxes FRAGILE (it is not Italian) if it contains breakable items.
Make a game of putting your items in storage. It's a life size game of Tetris!
Dolly good, hernia bad.
Resist the urge to pop the bubble wrap before packing fragile items.
Wear plenty of deodorant on the day of the move.
Make friends with people who lift weights at the gym before you move.